Enjoy the #Summer #Sun a little longer!

image of woman at the beach soaking in the sun As summer comes to an end we are all filled with a little bit of the end of summer blues. The sun starts to set earlier, the temperatures start to drop, and the carefree attitude is almost ready to be readjusted. As the end of August is just around the corner, now is the time to soak up what is left of the summer sun, and make those summer memories you will cherish for a lifetime. Allowing for your skin to simmer in the sunshine has its benefits, as well as some risks. Vitamin D is captured through sunlight, which is important to every human’s well-being. Just as we all need Vitamin C, we as humans also need to soak up some rays per doctors orders. However, when basking in the summer sun, it is important to remember to keep applying sunscreen, and to never over expose your skin to too much sun.

Make sure to also pencil in some time for rest and relaxation, to try and keep those winter blues at bay. While getting a fair dosage of some R&R is important, don’t forget to stay active to ensure a healthy way of life. Challenge yourself to hike that one trail you’ve been thinking about since December, or take a nice walk with some friends to get that heart rate going! Any form of exercise is a good one. Summer is the perfect time for making memories, getting a good fix of Vitamin D, and getting outdoors to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So soak in the last days of Summer!

About spiritualspectra

Spiritual Spectra is a spiritual and holistic healing practice offering an array of services that increase wellness through the mind-body-spirit connection.
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